Sunday, November 13, 2011

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

Continuously variable Proportional Circle maps are Proportional Circle Maps with an added variable in the form of a pie chart in each circle. The circles vary in size with no set number of sizes. The pie chart information differences are represented with colors, shading, or patterns.

The map shown is a Range Graded Proportional Circle Map of European Forestry Production by Country , 2006. While there are Circle sizes show with indicated numbers, they are there as a reference. There are more than 4 circle sizes found in the map. You can tell this is a Continuously Proportional Circle Map because the circles are not assigned ranges but one number.

The map shown is a Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map of Forest and Woodland and are in percent of Total Land per country in Africa. The green shading indicates the percentages of each country that is covered by forest and woodland. The pie charts tell how much of the percentage is woodland versus forest. Yellow indicates woodland and red indicates forest.

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