Sunday, November 13, 2011

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map

Range Graded Proportional Circle Maps are Proportional Circle Maps that have a set number of circles used. This is different from Continuously Graded Proportional Circle Maps  in that Range Graded has a set number of circles versus Continuously Graded has no set number of circles.

The map shown is a Range Graded Proportional Circle map of Violent Crimes in the USA. You can tell this a Range Graded Proportional Circle Map versus Continuously Variable because the circle sizes have been given value ranges versus a single number. This map also has an Added variable in the form of a pie chart. The variable is a positive (orange shading) or negative (blue shading) change in Violent Crimes. The different shading in the pie chart indicates the type of Crime and percent change that it holds in that state.

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