Sunday, November 13, 2011

Triangular Plot

Triangular Plots show three variables in the form of a Triangle. Each side of the triangle is represented by a variable. There are line intervals that run parallel to each side of the triangle. Certain parallels may be significant and sometimes none of them will be significant. A point is plotted according to its three variables. The greater the percentage of one variable means the less a percentage is for another variable. All three cannot equal their highest value. The three variables plotted will sum up to equal a constant.

The graph shown is a Triangular Plot of Feldspar, Muscovite, and Quartz compositions. The more like Quartz a point is the less like Feldspar it is. The more like Feldspar a point is the less like Muscovite it is. The more like Muscovite the point is the less like Quartz it is.

The graph also displays isolines and coloring to enhance the differences or similarities of the plotted points with regards to the three sediments.

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